Tag: ITF World Champs

After a full day of overseeing the running of the Australian Masters Games Taekwon-Do at the Adelaide Convention Center, Master Michael Muleta conducted National Team training for 2.5 hours for members of the team for the 2016 ITF World Championships who were present.
The training was conducted at the Nino Pilla Martial Arts Academy and consisted of technical refinements and tips for those competing in tuls at the Worlds next year in England.
Many Black Belt participants were present from Adelaide, Millicent, Mildura, Auckland, Gladstone, Melbourne and Geelong.
It was a long but successful and enjoyable day, thank you to all who came along.
Congratulations Aussie Team
Congratulations to our Thoroughbred Taekwon-Do black belt members on making the Australian Team to represent Australia at the 2016 ITF World Championships in England :
Justin Chin
Peter Nikolov
Anna Blake
Also well done to ex-Thoroughbreds on making the team
Michael Southern
Lachlan Amodeo
Thoroughbred Taekwon-Do has an extensive and proud history of National Team representatives, and boasts several World Champions and medalists.
Our earliest representation dates back to 1995, where Master Michael Muleta was National Team Coach at the ITF World Championships in Warsaw, Poland.
We have had members participating in 1995, 1996, 1997, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016 ITF World Championships.