United ITF Taekwon-Do Australia Inc.

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United ITF Taekwon-Do Australia Inc. is the ONLY recognized Independent National Organization (INO #23) representing the International Taekwon-Do Federation in Australia.

Founded in 1998 by Master Michael Muleta, 8th Degree, UnitedITF expanded to include additional schools around Australia. UnitedITF was incorporated in 2002, becoming the National Organization, upon the re-structuring of the International Organization.

Consequently, United ITF Taekwon-Do Australia is the largest organization in Australia representing the International Taekwon-Do Federation. Made up of quality schools and instructors all around Australia, United ITF is always keen to welcome suitable new members.

 Unlike many other organizations, United ITF Taekwon-Do Australia Inc is not privately owned. Most importantly, the organization is run in a democratic, professional, transparent and accountable manner.
Furthermore, UnitedITF is not merely one school claiming to be a National Body. Rather, it is a collection of schools retaining their own identity across Australia. All schools are overseen by qualified and certified ITF International Instructors and Masters.
Finally, UnitedITF boasts a most impressive collection of high caliber Senior Instructors and Masters. As a result, UnitedITF prides itself on promoting the ethics and techniques of ITF Taekwon-Do, as originally created by the Founder of Taekwon-Do, General Choi Hong Hi.
Currently, we have schools in:
Victoria – Melbourne, Balwyn, Canterbury, Mildura, Geelong, Melton (Private only)
Canberra – Tuggeranong, Amaroo, Chapman, Richardson, Cooma
New South Wales – Hunter Valley region (6 branches), Broken Hill
Queensland – Brisbane, Rockhampton, Toowoomba (2 branches)
South Australia – Adelaide, Mt Gambier, Millicent

Executive & Office Bearers

President: Master Michael Muleta, 8th Degree  (Victoria)

Vice President : Master Neil Cliff, 8th Degree (South Australia)

Secretary : Justin Chin, 6th Degree (Vic)

Treasurer (interim) : Justin Chin, 6th Degree (Vic)

Technical Director: Master Michael Muleta, 8th Degree (Victoria)

Tournament Director: Justin Chin, 6th Degree  (Victoria)

United ITF Senior members include:

  • Master Michael Muleta,  8th Degree (Vic)
  • Master Neil Cliff, 8th Degree (Vic)
  • Master Lee Hermansson, 7th Degree (NSW)
  • Justin Chin, 6th Degree (Vic)
  • Michael Omay, 6th Degree (NSW)
  • Corey Chin, 6th Degree (Victoria)
  • Jordan Steele, 6th Degree (ACT)
  • Gordon Bettess, 5th Degree (Victoria)
  • Jeremy Chin, 5th Degree (Victoria)
  • Darren Williams, 5th Degree (Victoria)
  • Phill Zdybel, 5th Degree (Victoria)
  • Alex Vouvaris, 5th Degree (Victoria)
  • Kye Todd, 5th Degree (South Australia)
  • Danniel Purcell, 5th Degree (Queensland) – Dec 2021
  • Geordie McTaggart, 5th Degree (Qld)
  • Kylie Higgins, 5th Degree (NSW)
  • Sam Wilson, 5th Degree (NSW)
  • Scott Gannon, 5th Degree (NSW)
  • Patrick Steele, 5th Degree (ACT)
  • Ben Mott, 4th Degree (ACT)
  • Wayne Brown, 4th Degree (Qld)
  • Tony Kennedy, 4th Degree (Qld)
  • Gary Dolan, 4th Degree (NSW)
  • Kurt Seier, 4th Degree (Victoria)
  • Wayne Brown, 4th Degree (Queensland)
  • Matthew Turner, 4th Degree (Victoria)
  • Alex Sorensen, 4th Degree (NSW)
  • Katrina Cubit, 4th Degree (ACT)
  • Robert Wuttke, 4th Degree (SA)
  • Freddie Lewis, 4th Degree (Vic)
  • Remy McLeod, 4th Degree (Vic)
  • Natasha Omay, 4th Degree (NSW)
  • Grace Ellis, 4th Degree (NSW)

united itf